[My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations]

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) Policy

Date: 1/20/2024

1. Introduction

My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior. As part of this commitment, we have implemented this Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) Policy to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

2. Policy Statement

2.1. AML/CTF Compliance: My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations is dedicated to preventing the use of its products and services for money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

2.2. Legal Obligations: We acknowledge and adhere to all relevant AML and CTF laws and regulations applicable to our business operations.

3. Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

3.1. Identification: My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations will establish and verify the identity of all customers before providing products or services.

3.2. Risk Assessment: A risk-based approach will be adopted to assess and categorize the level of due diligence required based on the customer's risk profile.

4. Reporting and Recordkeeping

4.1. Suspicious Activity Reporting: Any suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing will be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities.

4.2. Recordkeeping: My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations will maintain records of customer identification and transaction data in accordance with legal requirements.

5. Training and Awareness

5.1. Employee Training: All employees will receive periodic training on AML and CTF compliance to stay informed about the latest regulations and best practices.

6. Communication and Reporting

6.1. Internal Reporting: Employees are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions related to AML and CTF compliance internally through the designated channels.

7. Monitoring and Review

7.1. Regular Audits: My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations will conduct regular audits to assess the effectiveness of AML and CTF controls and procedures.

8. Non-Retaliation

8.1. Protection for Whistleblowers: Employees reporting concerns related to AML and CTF compliance will be protected from retaliation.

9. Compliance Officer

9.1. Designation: A Compliance Officer will be appointed to oversee the implementation and enforcement of this policy.

10. Review and Updates

10.1. Policy Review: This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in light of changing regulatory requirements.

11. Conclusion

My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and compliance with AML and CTF regulations. All employees are expected to adhere to this policy, and any breaches will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

This policy is effective as of 1/20/2024.

Blanca Susana Wiggins Zavala Lopez
My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations


Terms of Service

My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations creates technologies and services that facilitate connections, community building, and business growth. These Terms govern your usage of My Flips Worldwide, including its features, applications, services, technologies, and software (referred to as the My Flips Worldwide Products or Products), unless explicitly specified otherwise. These Products are provided by My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations.

There are no charges for using My Flips Worldwide or other covered products and services, unless stated otherwise. Instead, businesses, organizations, and other entities compensate us for displaying advertisements related to their products and services. By utilizing our Products, you consent to the display of ads that we believe may be relevant to you and your interests. We utilize your personal data to determine which personalized ads to present.

We do not sell your personal data to advertisers, and we do not share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address, or other contact information) with advertisers unless you provide explicit permission. Advertisers may inform us about the type of audience they wish to target with their ads, and we display those ads to individuals who may be interested. We furnish advertisers with performance reports for their ads, aiding them in understanding how users interact with their content. Refer to Section 2 below to explore further details on how personalized advertising functions under these terms on the My Flips Worldwide Products.

Our Privacy Policy delineates the collection and use of your personal data to determine the ads you encounter, along with the provision of other services outlined below. You can visit the settings pages of the relevant My Flips Worldwide Product at any time to review the privacy choices available to you regarding how we use your data.

Services Provided by My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations

Our mission at My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations is to empower individuals to build communities and foster connections worldwide. In pursuit of this mission, we offer a range of Products and services outlined below:

  1. Personalized Experience:

    • Your experience on My Flips Worldwide is unique, tailored to your preferences, connections, and activities on and off our Products.
    • Personalization includes posts, stories, events, ads, and other content in your News Feed, video platform, My Flips Worldwide Pages, My Flips Worldwide Marketplace, and search.
  2. Connection Building:

    • We help you find and connect with individuals, groups, businesses, organizations, and more across My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations.
    • Utilizing data, we provide suggestions such as groups to join, events to attend, Pages to follow, shows to watch, and potential friends to connect with.
  3. Expression and Communication:

    • My Flips Worldwide provides various ways for you to express yourself and communicate what matters to you.
    • This includes sharing status updates, photos, videos, stories, sending messages, making voice or video calls, creating events or groups, and adding content to your profile.
  4. Content Discovery:

    • We present personalized ads, offers, and sponsored content to help you discover relevant content, products, and services offered by businesses and organizations using My Flips Worldwide.
  5. Safety and Security:

    • Our dedicated teams, advanced technical systems, and partnerships aim to maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Products.
    • Actions taken may include notifying users, removing content, restricting access, disabling accounts, or collaborating with law enforcement in response to harmful conduct.
  6. Advanced Technologies:

    • We employ technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality to ensure safe and functional services for all users.
    • These technologies aid in accessibility features for users with visual impairments and help expand internet access in areas with limited connectivity.
  7. Research and Improvement:

    • We engage in research to develop, test, and enhance our Products, analyzing user data to understand usage patterns and preferences.
    • Our Privacy Policy details how data is used to support research for the continuous improvement of our services.
  8. Consistent Experiences:

    • Our systems are designed to provide a consistent and seamless experience across various My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations Products.
    • Data about your interactions on one platform is utilized to enhance your experience on others, promoting efficient communication and connection.
  9. Global Accessibility:

    • To operate globally and facilitate connections worldwide, we transfer, store, and distribute content and data across our global infrastructure, essential for providing our services.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further details on how we handle and use user data.

Funding Mechanism for My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations Services

At My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations, we believe in offering our services free of charge to users. To support this model, we have established a funding mechanism outlined below:

  1. Personalized Ads and Sponsored Content:

    • Instead of charging users for access to My Flips Worldwide and associated services, we show personalized ads, commercial content, and sponsored material.
    • Businesses and organizations pay us to promote their content on and off My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations.
  2. Use of Personal Data:

    • Your personal data, including information about your activity and interests, is utilized to display personalized ads and sponsored content that align with your preferences.
    • Our commitment to privacy ensures that we show relevant ads without revealing your identity to advertisers.
  3. Privacy Protection Measures:

    • We do not sell your personal data to advertisers. Advertisers provide us with their business goals and the target audience they wish to reach.
    • Advertisers may specify criteria (e.g., age, interests) without accessing personally identifiable information. Ads are then shown to users who match the specified criteria.
  4. Performance Reports for Advertisers:

    • Advertisers receive reports detailing the performance of their ads on My Flips Worldwide and other My Flips Worldwide Company Products.
    • General demographic and interest information is shared to help advertisers better understand their audience.
  5. User Privacy Safeguards:

    • We prioritize user privacy and do not share information directly identifying individuals (such as names or email addresses) unless explicit permission is granted.
    • Ad preferences and controls are available, allowing users to tailor the types of ads and advertisers they encounter.
  6. Data Collection and Usage:

    • The collection and utilization of your personal data are in line with our Privacy Policy, ensuring transparency and adherence to privacy standards.
    • Users have the ability to control the types of ads they see and the information used to determine the ads presented to them.

For a comprehensive understanding of how we handle your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy. Your privacy and control over your ad experience are central to our commitment at My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations. 

Your Commitments to My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations and Our Community

In order to maintain a safe, accountable, and thriving community on My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations, we request that you adhere to the following commitments:

  1. User Eligibility:

    • Provide your account with the same name you use in everyday life.
    • Furnish accurate information about yourself.
    • Create and use only one account for personal purposes.
    • Refrain from sharing your password, granting access to your account, or transferring your account without our permission.
    • Users under 13 years old, convicted sex offenders, those with a history of account violations, and individuals restricted by applicable laws cannot use My Flips Worldwide.
  2. Conduct on My Flips Worldwide:

    • Use My Flips Worldwide to express yourself while respecting the safety and well-being of others and the community's integrity.
    • Abide by the outlined conduct, which includes refraining from unlawful, misleading, discriminatory, or fraudulent activities.
    • Ensure you have ownership or necessary rights for any content shared.
    • Avoid infringing on someone else's rights, including intellectual property rights.
    • Prohibit the upload of viruses, malicious code, or engaging in activities that disrupt the proper functioning of our services.
    • Abstain from accessing or collecting data without permission, misappropriating access tokens, and engaging in misuse of reporting channels.
    • Adhere to the Platform Terms regarding the sale, license, or purchase of data obtained from us.
  3. Content Removal and Access Restrictions:

    • My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations reserves the right to remove or restrict access to content violating community standards.
    • Accounts may be suspended or disabled for conduct breaching community guidelines.
    • Users will be informed about content removal, with options for review, unless there are repeated violations or legal obligations.
  4. Permissions Granted to My Flips Worldwide:

    • Users grant a license to My Flips Worldwide for the use of content shared on the platform.
    • The license includes hosting, distribution, modification, copying, public performance or display, translation, and creation of derivative works.
    • Users retain ownership of their intellectual property rights, and the license ends when content is deleted.
  5. Privacy Permissions:

    • Users grant permission for the use of their name, profile picture, and information about actions taken with ads and sponsored content.
    • This information may be displayed alongside ads and sponsored content without compensation.
  6. Software Updates:

    • Users provide permission for My Flips Worldwide to download and install software updates where available.
  7. Limits on Intellectual Property Use:

    • Users must respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks.
    • Our copyrights and trademarks can only be used as permitted by our Brand Usage Guidelines or with prior written permission.

These commitments are essential for fostering a positive and secure environment on My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations. For detailed information, please refer to our Community Standards and Brand Usage Guidelines.

4. Additional Provisions

  1. Updating Our Terms:

    • We continually enhance our services to provide a better experience on My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations. Consequently, we may update these Terms to accurately reflect our services, enhance safety, comply with the law, or introduce new features. You will be notified of any changes, and your continued use of our Products implies acceptance of the updated Terms.

    • If you disagree with the updated Terms and wish to discontinue your participation in My Flips Worldwide, you have the option to delete your account at any time.

  2. Account Suspension or Termination:

    • We aspire for My Flips Worldwide to be a welcoming and secure space for self-expression. In cases of clear, serious, or repeated breaches of our Terms, including Community Standards, we reserve the right to suspend or permanently disable your access to My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations, or delete your account.

    • Account suspension or deletion may also occur for repeated infringement of intellectual property rights or legal requirements. Additionally, inactive accounts may be subject to suspension or deletion.

    • Notifications and explanations will be provided in such instances, unless legal restrictions or technical limitations prevent disclosure.

  3. Limits on Liability:

    • Our commitment is to offer the best possible Products while establishing clear guidelines for users. However, My Flips Worldwide is provided "as is," and we do not guarantee uninterrupted, error-free, or secure services. We DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.

    • Our liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law, and we are not responsible for users' actions or content shared by them, online or offline. Under no circumstances will we be liable for consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, or incidental damages.

  4. Disputes:

    • Disputes between users and My Flips Worldwide will be resolved exclusively in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California or a state court in San Mateo County. The laws of the State of California will govern these Terms.

    • My Flips Worldwide retains the right to bring claims against users in a competent court in their country of residence with jurisdiction over the claim.

  5. Other:

    • These Terms constitute the entire agreement between users and My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations, governing the use of My Flips Worldwide. They supersede any prior agreements.

    • Some Products may have supplemental terms, which, when applicable, become part of the agreement. In case of conflicts, supplemental terms prevail.

    • If any part of these Terms is unenforceable, it will be amended to the minimum extent necessary, and if unamendable, it will be severed, leaving the remaining portion in full force.

    • No failure to enforce these Terms constitutes a waiver. Amendments or waivers must be in writing and signed by My Flips Worldwide.

    • Rights and obligations under these Terms are not transferrable without My Flips Worldwide's consent.

    • Feedback and suggestions are appreciated, but we may use them without obligation to compensate or keep them confidential.

    • All rights not expressly granted are reserved by My Flips Worldwide by Relax Accommodations.